Our Approach

Philanthropy does not invest enough funds in grassroots organizing after the elections. Pooling our funds enables us to move quickly and make a much bigger dent in this gap than any of us could achieve on our own. Bringing multiple funders to the table also allows us to tap into each other’s knowledge and relationships in the field and use these insights to make smarter investments.

Right now, economic inequities and worker imbalance are at the forefront of public debate in this country, making this a critical time to seize momentum, drive structural economic reforms, and establish real economic power for the New American Majority at the state and local level.

The New American Majority (NAM) is defined as single women, young people, immigrant communities, and people of color (specifically, Black, Latinx, Native and API communities). We are invested in organizations that are actively organizing the NAM, have growing and committed multi-racial bases of leadership, and are integrating their voices into strategic decision-making.

Many of the resources flowing to grassroots organizations are restricted funds focused either on building democratic/political power and/or in service of donor policy priorities. By providing the majority of our funding as general operating support, the Powering a New Economy Fund allows organizations vital flexibility. A focus on advancing economic priorities (vs. political) also helps organization to elevate and center this work in their long-term efforts.

The Fund prioritizes organizations and/or coalitions that:

  • Serve a multi-racial constituency and are focused on representing communities of color;
  • Have a base and build and engage that base through organizing; and
  • Work to advance structural changes by aligning their efforts in formation with others in their ecosystem to shift the political-economic paradigm in any of the following arenas:
    • Fiscal policy, including progressive taxation and/or revenue fights
    • Green industrial policy for a just transition
    • Public options for equitable social investment in healthcare, housing, access to capital, and other areas
    • Worker power and corporate campaigns to build worker voice, power, and control


To be most effective and ensure we meet the greatest need, the Fund uses a participatory framework. In addition to a Grantmaking Advisory Committee made up of the contributing philanthropies, our Movement Oversight Committee, which includes leaders in grassroots organizing and movement building who bring a strong understanding of economic power analysis and governance work. The Movement Oversight Committee works closely with the Grantmaking Committee, with the Chair serving as the official voting representative of the Movement Oversight Committee.

Learn more about Powering a New Economy Fund